This is where
join us and become Freedom Fighters
This is our opportunity to create a vast movement for justice, to defend the ones that have been discriminated against by the legal system. It is time for New York State to lead so other States will follow. Let us unite in unimaginable numbers to pass the “NEW YORK STATE CLEAN RECORD LAW” because everyone deserves a second chance!!!

Everyday people are arrested for petty crimes or for crimes they did not commit. Some are arrested without incident, and then there are those who are abused by law enforcement to the point where they are injured or even killed.
Is the overuse of force really necessary?

After being forcefully arrested, people are placed in handcuffs, and are taken to jail regardless of innocence or guilt.
During this time the District Attorney files a Charging Document with various offenses, some of which you were not originally arrested for.

After being incarcerated in a holding cell without any comfort or functioning restroom amenities, and with dozens of others that have been arrested, you are eager for your first appearance before the judge. This where your Public Defender advises you on the filed charges, and the time you are facing if you don't accept a plea of a misdemeanor.
This process is commonly practiced in the courtroom in order for the New York State District Attorney to secure a conviction, even though there may not be any evidence to support your arrest or conviction.
The thought of not going to jail by accepting a misdemeanor and quickly exiting the courtroom seems like a great idea. In some cases where guilt is imminent for a higher offense or a felony, a negotiated misdemeanor plea may be to one's advantage.
In a case where you are actually innocent, but you do not want to risk going to trial and being found guilty with the possibility of jail or prison time, a negotiated plea may also seem like a good idea.
Regardless of the circumstances of a negotiated misdemeanor plea, this type of offense should not be on your record for the rest of your life.
The effect of a misdemeanor on your record could have unwanted consequences in applying for a job, credit report, applying to lease an apartment, and, in the event of another arrest, the misdemeanor could be enhanced to a felony.
When you apply for certain jobs a background check may be required or one may be performed without your knowledge. You may be certain that you are a perfect fit for the position, but to your surprise the job was offered to someone else.
Should a misdemeanor offense be on your record for the rest of your life?
This is the reason I need your support and followers on social media to gain momentum in passing the "NEW YORK STATE CLEAN RECORD LAW."
Read below my proposal:
Any person convicted by New York State of a misdemeanor(s), and within five(5) years of not being convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, upon a written motion, written request or electronic request (with a notarized or unnotarized oath), accompanied by fingerprint records (which can submitted electronically) from any State or foreign law enforcement agency or from any United States Embassy or Consulate (if residing outside the United States), to any New York State court (except civil court or family court) by counsel or pro se litigant, shall have the misdemeanor(s) vacated and expunged within thirty(30) days of filing, granting the petitioner the right to state under oath that the conviction of the misdemeanor never occurred.
This law is applicable to any person that resides or once resided in New York State and now resides in another State or a different country.
The New York State court order shall further memorialize the misdemeanor(s) case number, with specifically the following verbiage: "The misdemeanor(s) vacated and expunged shall not be applicable to any State or Federal criminal and/or civil proceeding, including Immigration proceedings."
New York State shall designate a specific electronic method to facilitate filing from within or outside the United States.
This law shall become effective upon passing, shall be retroactive to January 1, 1980, and the filing fee shall be determined by New York State and shall not exceed one hundred(100) dollars, with subject to waiver for any person unemployed, receiving Social Security, State and/or government assistance payments, and/or residing outside the United States.

We must unite in great numbers, and peacefully march to show and gain support for our cause.
Whichever saying is applicable; "In unity there is strength" or "United we stand, divided we fall," we, as a whole can change the law, we can implement the "THE NEW YORK STATE CLEAN RECORD LAW."
uControlTheVotes is in its infancy and can only survive if we unite to change laws which were created without safeguards or limitations.
Should (1), a misdemeanor conviction be on one’s record indefinitely?
Should (2), judges, and prosecutors continue to violate legal standards, procedures, and one’s United States Constitutional rights to secure or uphold an illegal conviction?

In 1989, five black and latino teenagers, just 14, 15 and 16 years old after prolonged and an illegal interrogation without counsel, were convicted of raping a woman.
Thirteen years later, serial rapist and murderer Matias Reyes confessed that he, and he alone, had raped the female jogger; DNA evidence confirmed his story. District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's office, bravely admitting its error, helped to overturn the convictions in 2002.
Prisons are filled with young men that have fallen victim to unscrupulous and illegal practices by law enforcement officers, and District Attorneys in order to secure a conviction. But the biggest problem in our legal system are trial judges, which have become observers in the courtroom rather than upholding one's United States Constitutional rights.
There is no question that trial judges are supposed to protect the rights of the victims, but they often forget that they also have to protect the rights of the accused.
While there are systems in place to discipline judges and District Attorneys, these organizations are administered by retired judges and/or attorneys, and they rarely punish the bad actors for improper actions or behavior.
Do you think that during the trial of these young men the judge knew that their United States Constitutional rights were being violated?
Should (3), the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) continue the deportation of legal permanent residents, and parents that have children born in the United States? Should the DHS/ICE continue to deport people to communist or economically challenged countries? Should the DHS/ICE keep breaking-up families, and deport people that are established with a business, apartment, home and have been in the United States for over five years?

Pictures are worth a thousand words.
The aforementioned concerns are just some of what uControlTheVotes will champion on behalf of individuals which have been discriminated against by the legal system.
uControlTheVotes is not about justice reform but rather justice and law official accountability, but to overcome this hurdle we must unite!!! It is time for New York State to take the lead so other States follow.
I am currently one, but tomorrow we will be many. I am not looking for 100,000 followers, nor 1,000,000. I want 150,000,000(one hundred and fifty million) plus followers.
Yes, this is an ambitious goal, but it is the only way to get the attention of every political figure regardless of party.
Our cause is not a destination but an ongoing journey to create laws as a unit to help the ones that have been discriminated against by the legal system.
Perhaps, you have not been affected, but chances are that you know someone that has.
Reach out to everyone, either in person or on social media and make them aware of our cause to pass the "NEW YORK STATE CLEAN RECORD LAW."
Forward this website to as many people as possible.